Yesterday, June 12th, during the day, an Air Assault mission was carried out in Hot Blade 2023 (HB23). This mission consists of infiltrating troops into the terrain using rotary-wing aircraft.
The main objective of this type of mission is to(...)

The 7th edition of Hotblade began last Wednesday, June 7th, with the opening ceremony, while air activity began the morning of the following day where some of the helicopters committed to Hotblade 2023 (HB23) made themselves heard from Air Base(...)

The Opening Ceremony of HotBlade 2023 (HB23) took place yesterday, June 7th, at Air Base 11, Beja, from where the aircraft involved in this multinational exercise will be operating.Hostilities opened early in the morning with the hoisting of the(...)

The Air Force organizes the multinational European exercise “HotBlade 2023”, from 07 to 23 June, at Air Base 11, in Beja, under the Helicopter Exercise Programme, of the European Defense Agency (EDA).The HB2023 has the participation(...)

RTP accompanied the Real Thaw 23 exercise, which has been running since February 27 at Air Base 11, in Beja.
It is a multinational exercise, organized by the Portuguese Air Force, which brings together military personnel from eight countries and(...)

On March 8, the Real Thaw 2023 (RT23) received aeronautical photography lovers for the traditional Spotters Day. About 50 people went to Air Base 11 (AB11), in Beja, to photograph some of the planes, helicopters and unmanned aerial systems(...)

Squadron 991 – “Harpias” participates for the first time in the Real Thaw exercise, organized by the Portuguese Air Force.The Harpias, the most recent Portuguese Air Force flight squadron, operates the OGASSA 42N/NV and are(...)