As part of the multinational exercises, the HotBlade component, which involves mission activity with helicopters, took place for the first time under the umbrella of the Multinacional Helicopter Training Center (MHTC), based at Air Base No. 1, in Sintra.
The MHTC's mission is to improve the interoperability and capability of European military helicopters through a coordinated approach to Tactics, Techniques and Procedures training and doctrine. What is the largest European helicopter crew training center has 14 participating countries - Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Serbia, Slovenia and Sweden.
In this sense, it is combined with the objectives of the exercises to increase the interoperability of operations between participants, exposing the forces participating in the exercise to a complex operational environment, in which they can train techniques, tactics and procedures, preparing them for current combat theaters. conflict and humanitarian support missions.