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The last flights of ETAP-T 2023 took place today. The closing ceremony of the multinational exercise took place this afternoon, July 13th, at Air Base 11, in Beja.Presided over by the Air Commander, Lieutenant-General Matos Branco, the ceremony(...)

Today, the 11th of July, the ETAP-T 2023 Distinguished Visitors Day (DVD) took place at Air Base No. 11 (AB11), in Beja.
On this day, the 2nd Air Commander, Major-General António Temporão, and the Commander of Air Base 11, Colonel(...)

During these days, the ETAP-T 2023 exercise has included several training sessions involving the dropping of aircraft cargo.These operations, carried out with the purpose of sustaining and supporting forces on the ground, consist of transporting(...)

The European Tactical Airlift Program (ETAP) was developed with a view to improving the operational airlift capability of European countries, with the aim of achieving greater interoperability between the nations defending Europe's skies.The(...)

During exercise ETAP-T 2023, joint and combined training is carried out between multinational flight squadrons and Army Paratroopers.
With the context and scenarios provided in the exercise, this type of training allows operationalizing and(...)

On the 6th of July, ETAP-T 2023 received visitors passionate about photography and aviation to photograph the cargo planes participating in the multinational exercise organized by the Portuguese Air Force, as part of the European Tactical Airlift(...)

The 2nd edition of ETAP began last Sunday, July 2nd, with the opening ceremony, and after Academics Day, this Tuesday morning, at 10:15 am, the C-130J aircraft of the German and French joint BATS, opening the doors for the flights of the(...)